Drumtutor.net - DrumKit Lessons


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Background information about the Tuition facilties
Information about Colin Humphries, the drum tutor

Information on Drum lessons, from beginners to advanced drummers

Information about Percussion Lessons

Photos of Colin, bands, The Studio and Famous visitors
Drum Lessons

Pulse!! Percussion specialises in 1 to 1 tuition because it allows each pupil to recieve a progam of instruction specifically designed with that 1 person in mind.
This enables him/her to derive the most benefit from each and every session by being able to proceed at whatever pace is most effecfive for different topics and being able to ask questions more readily.
Pupils can then elect to spend extra time on any areas of difficulty or special interest and if taking graded examinations, can be entered at the optimum time.
Group instruction is really only suitable when the empahsis is on performing rather than learning and to this end we organize various workshops for our pupils allowing groups to be set up as e.g. Samba bands, Marching ensembles, Drumming circles etc.
We aim to acheive a balance of technique and musicality by working on development of good posture and relaxation whereby complete control of all 4 limbs can be acheived.
Our teaching method is derived from the Moeller and Gladstone Systems using a relaxed grip to allow the sticks to rebound more often and employing movements of the entire forearm instead of just the wrist.
This allows players to gain greater control over speed and dynamics whilst actually using considerably less energy and the technique can be applied to both hands and feet.
Many world class players make use of this style of playing - Buddy Rich, Joe Morello and Billy Cobham and it has recently been adopted by Dave Weckl, Steve Smith and Neal Peart.
It is however estimated that less than 1% of drummers actually use this style of playing and it may well be what seperates ordinary players from those with complete mastery of the drums.

Colin and Family with Billy Cobham and Nippy Noya at Peter Gabriels "Real World" Studios during the recordiing of Billy's album "The Traveller"

Lessons for beginning pupils involve correct balance point for holding sticks, various grips and how to control arm and stick movements.
We use a variety of study materials to develop music reading and also focus on listening skills to develop a good sense of timing and interpreting written music to develop the correct "feel".
Pupils are also introduced to different styles of music and song forms and shown how to structure their playing for different sections of a composition when to play fills and ideas regarding improvisation.

For intermediate and advanced pupils some of the topics covered are as follows:
  • Advanced reading skills for studio, commercial, big band.

  • Transcribing and writing drum/percussion parts

  • Wrist and Fingurestyle techniques

  • Co-ordination and Independence

  • Linear Playing

  • Double Bass Drum technique

  • Groove playing "Time and Feel"

  • Ambidexterity

  • Odd time signatures, Mixed Meters & Equivalencies, Metric Modulation , Artificial Groups, Polyrhythms & Polymeters, Beat Displacement, Rhythmic Illusions

  • Improvising & Soloing

  • Study of song forms, phrasing amd dynamics

  • Style analysis : Rock,Jazz, Fusion, Funk, Latin, Blues etc

  • Use of electronics
